My friends ask me who do I like? Donald Trump or Joe Biden? MY answer is “there is no perfect president”. There are things about all these people that I like and some things I don’t like. I like Donald Trump. He lowered corporate taxes, he brought back jobs to America. He stood for the...Read More
No president has taken on the tough issues like Donald J. Trump. He has lowered corporate taxes to 21% and eliminated regulations that were a hinderance to many businesses. This effort resulted in the lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years (3.8%) for all Americans. He re-booted our military, and reorganized the Veterans Administration. He...Read More
Being a policeman is one of the most difficult jobs in America and not everyone is qualified to do it. Like any job, some people like doing it. They want to help their community and they want to help people. They relish in the fact that the world will be a better place for their...Read More
China was always a great civilization. When the rest of the world was throwing spears at each other they were inventing gunpowder.1 The wars of unification produced armies of up to one million men. The number of battles from ancient times to modern number in the hundreds. “When there is not enough to eat, people...Read More
Last December the stock market was at an all time high. The unemployment rate at 3.5 % was the lowest in half a century and now we are facing a global pandemic with a virus that has no cure and will kill a percentage of our population. In response our government has put this country...Read More
I wanted to write an article about Soleimani. The purpose is to be able to do a U-Tube Video on this complicated man. I am writing this Disclaimer: I went to Wikipedia for fact gathering and cited their sources when necessary. I endeavor to be accurate but I have not personally verified these facts. Soleimani...Read More
Highlights of the Donald Trump Presidency Donald Trump is one of the most complex and brilliant presidents we have had. He has done and said things no other president done and is changing the world by doing things that all other presidents were afraid to do. He has no fear. He shoots from the hip...Read More
Authorities continued looking Thursday for a 1-year-old after finding a dead woman in an Ansonia, Connecticut, home and learning that the baby who lives at the residence was supposed to be there, according to police.Read More
America is a great country. Not all countries are great. It has been suggested that there are certain places of “Shit” covering our planet. has gone the extra mile in gathering information on which of these “Shit Hole” countries would be the worst to live in. The list is long and I wanted to...Read More